Repairing Tears or Holes In Divider Screens

Posted on June 17, 2017 at 5:41 pm

Divider screens are often moved around and handled, and as a result, they can be easily damaged. If the damage is not too severe, such as a hole or tear, it can often be repaired using a few basic tools and materials.

When repairing a tear in a screen, be sure to look for a guide on how to do it beforehand. Tears are usually a case of simply patching the torn area with another piece of fabric, but it helps to know exactly what you are doing before anything is stuck down or sealed.

Sometimes screens can be tricky to repair. Certain screens may be made from kinds of fabric, rice paper and even metal. If the screen has an ornate design or is made in a complicated way, it might be a good idea to take it to a professional furniture repair workshop.


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